Oct 28, 2007

Woman Assaulted During Jewelry Heist

Dallas police said an employee was assaulted during the robbery of a jewelry store Saturday morning.

Three men broke into Nations Jewelry on Harry Hines Boulevard, and one man assaulted a female clerk while stealing nearly $1 million in diamonds and gold jewelry, police said.

Investigators said the men took the disk from the surveillance camera when they left, but the store had a back-up copy.

Police said the men were clearly experienced. They moved a plant to prop open the door so they wouldn't get locked in, police said. Authorities also said the men used their shirts to cover their hands so they wouldn't leave fingerprints behind.

Police said the man who assaulted the clerk repeatedly punched her, leaving her badly bruised.

"They attacked her, brutally attacked her and beat her," Senior Cpl. Janice Crowther said.

Franchesca Rosa, who works next door, said she was glad everyone was fine but is a little nervous about the area.

"But we're just glad that no one got hurt, more than anything," she said.

Police said the men left in a green Grand Am and a black BMW, both 1990s models.

Investigators said they don't know if the robbery is connected to several other recent jewelry heists in the Metroplex. Police said this one is unique because the robbery happened during business hours.
Source: nbc5i

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