Nov 1, 2007

Too Many 'Yes' Men In The Diamond Business?

There is an old but true piece of advice that goes as follows:

"To be successful in any endeavor you cannot simply surround yourself with 'yes' men."

What this means (loosely translated) is that in order to succeed, you sometimes need the objectivity that can only be provided by those whose perspectives and opinions are not influenced by the desire to tell you what you wish to hear, but rather, what they actually feel you need to hear.

It is my experience that the diamond business in particular is full of these 'yes' men.

These are the salesmen and women, the managers and directors, the diamond buyers, the brokers, the jewelry reps. and all those whose positions, purchasing habits, etc. are completely skewered by the desire to be 'yes' men to the person(s) who pays the salary...

This is true on the Internet as well. There are 'yes' men in the data entry department, the IT dept., SEO dept, graphic design dept., programming dept.

Basically, there are 'yes' men all over, who ultimately do a disservice to themselves, as well as to the people who pay them.

Simply "going with the flow" is not always prudent or advisable. "Safety in numbers" is largely overrated!
Source: diamondvues

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