Mar 21, 2008

Gary Gordon offers retailers 'Employee Tool Box'

Gary Gordon of Oklahoma City-based Samuel Gordon Jewelers discusses his "Employee Tool Box" at the Centurion show in Tucson, Ariz.

Retail jeweler Gary Gordon of Samuel Gordon Jewelers in Oklahoma City made a splash at this year's Centurion show, making his first appearance on the trade show seminar circuit after a five-year absence.

In a seminar titled "Secrets to Keeping Employees Happy and Productive," Gordon discussed his new self-published "Employee Tool Box," which includes a variety of employee documents, ranging from Gordon's employee manual to various job descriptions, performance review forms, a hiring checklist and other relevant information and forms.

Gordon's documents have been gleaned from his company's more than 40 years in business, which has been marked by low turnover and productive employees.

In addition to helping out other retail jewelers, Gordon is also seeking to benefit children. Centurion is offering Gordon's handbook, at his request, to jewelers for $35, with the entire purchase price going to Jewelers for Children.

"We're delighted to help Gary in his efforts to support both the industry and JFC," Centurion President Howard Hauben said in a statement. "This is a wonderful tool for jewelers."

To request a copy, send a check for $35 made payable to "Jewelers for Children" to Centurion, 1745 Merrick Ave., Ste. 5, Merrick NY 11566. On the memo portion of the check, write "Samuel Gordon Tool Box." Please also provide a flat 8.5-inch-by-11-inch self-addressed envelope, which will be used to mail your Tool Box.
Source: nationaljewelernetwork

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