Jun 3, 2008

Leading Jewelers launches new brand program

Leading Jewelers of the World (LJW) introduced a new, multi-tiered brand-positioning program for the association last week during the JCK jewelry show in Las Vegas.

Core elements of the program include a redesigned Trustmark Corporation, titled "The Mark of Distinction," a new LJW Pledge to be adopted by each current and future LJW Honoree and presented in-store, a new multi-element, occasion-driven advertising campaign, a new Web site and new point-of-sale signage and materials.

"All of us involved with this new initiative are very excited about the opportunity that it offers select retail jewelers who want to differentiate themselves in their respective markets," LJW Executive Director Michael Barlerin said. "Becoming a Leading Jeweler of the World Honoree, and maintaining that designation on an annual basis, will provide significant benefits to a retailer."

Barlerin also noted that with many of the industry's associations, service providers and buying groups trying to develop brands with a consumer-communication element, "LJW is the only organization for which the consumer, and consequently consumer communication, is the essence of its brand."
Source: nationaljewelernetwork

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