Jun 9, 2008

Nature inspired jewelry draws visitors back

While most niche shops in the Upper Peninsula specialize in a few brands, Beadazed Studio and Gifts in Calumet claim two, that everything's hand-made, and as a result, one-of-a-kind.

Grand Rapids resident, Carol Richards and her daughter visited Beadazed on Monday. They took a break from the family fishing trip at Lac Labelle, to do a little shopping.

"We were here last year," said Richards. "The uniqueness of the store, I love it. I like beading. I like natural rocks and stones. I really like the store."

Nestled between other niche stores in historic downtown Calumet, Beadazed sells an assortment of eclectic handmade art, including jewelry.

"Everything that's in here is everything I love," said owner Kristy Walden. "I love making jewelry, I love rocks. I grew up around a mine."

Beadazed also sells pieces made by local artists, like clothing, wooden cutting boards, dolls, and more.

Walden says more people want to make their own jewelry, than in past years. She offers classes at the studio Monday through Thursday night in the summertime.

Where does she gets inspiration to create one of a kind necklaces, bracelets and rings? Kristy uses patterns from nature . For a silver bracelet she used mold made from a branch off the cherry tree in her backyard.

"You'll just look at a stone and from an agate, you'll find every color that wants to be included in that necklace," said Walden.
Source: wluvtv6

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