Jul 26, 2007

EBay changes diamond-listing policy

Online auctioneer eBay has made changes regarding how sellers can describe diamonds and jewelry on the site.

According to the company's current policy, the word "diamond" can be used without qualification only in the case of "a natural mineral consisting essentially of pure carbon, crystallized in the isometric system." The stone must also have a hardness of 10, a specific gravity of approximately 3.52 and a refractive index of 2.42.

In addition, sellers listing any laboratory-grown diamonds that have the same mineral composition as a naturally mined one, can use the word "diamond" only if it is immediately proceeded or followed by one of eight terms: "created," "lab-created," "man-made," "synthetic," "manufactured," "laboratory-grown," "laboratory-created" and "[manufacturer-name]-created."

These terms must be spelled out in their entirety and be equally visible to the word diamond, according to the company's policy.

Changes also apply to diamond simulants. Listings for a cubic zirconium stone can use the word "diamond" in the item title or description only if it is immediately preceded or followed by the words "simulated" or "imitation." Sellers must also include "Cubic Zirconia" or "CZ" in equal visibility to the other terms. In addition, the stones can only be listed on the site in the Cubic Zirconia or other categories, not under diamonds.

The full policy can be found under eBay's listing for Jewelry, Precious Metals and Loose Beads.
Source: nationaljewelernetwork

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